2nd Gen Racing Ltd was incorporated in 2021, but we are not new to the business. 


Growing up in a racing family I had a passion for racing at an early age. The pits progressed from a place to play and hang out to a place to help out. I developed relationships with drivers by volunteering my help and jumped on the chance to drive when someone offered to rent me their car in exchange for mechanical work. Once bitten I built another car to rent out in order to fund my racing budget.  Next step was a side job which built into a full-time proprietorship contracting to a race team. 

Our crew includes more track brats from multi generations of racing families. We are passionate about family, about racing, and about winning. 

2nd Gen Racing Ltd is dedicated to helping new people get into the sport and supporting our customers all the way to the finish line. 

Race Cars – we can build them, tune them, fix them, store them, and transport them to the track. And we can customize a service plan to suit your needs. 

At the track – we organize your paddock space, erect tents, provide a trailer equipped with heat and/or air conditioning for changing, resting, and debriefing, make sure your car is ready for your session, and cheer you on from the hot pit. Feed back on your sessions is always available for your continued progress.

Parts & Equipment – we can find, order, and install everything you need. 

Reputation – 2nd Gen Racing offers a program that you can depend on. You are welcome to visit us at the track and meet everyone. If we can’t answer all of our questions there, we will find out and get back to you.